Page Information
Publish Date: 2011/02/17
Comment date: 2016/05/08

The prologue exposition continues as a two-parter to establish some key aspects such as the whole deal with The Great Legacy and mass Digouter exodus much like the MML prologue which starts with "In a world covered by endless water...".

Given the ambiguity of what we know of this great treasure with exception of the "finale" in the second game, "The Great Legacy" or "Mother Lode" still had plenty of room for interpretation as to what it really was, or was it all a wild goose chase born from selfishness or a dream-worthy myth. In many ways, I compare this to the Gold Rush which happened in mid-1800s in the United States and its common portrayal in somewhat modern media.

One of the challenges at the time I had to deal with was combining the terminology from both Japanese and English releases; as a rule of thumb the least I decided to go with was to use whichever made sense story-wise and at the same time work in alternatives in the form of small details to create a kind of 'win-win' situation. To be fair, if Street Fighter could go with "Charlie Nash", I'm sure it's possible to reach a good compromise!

Also these pages' font sizes are awfully big aren't they. Glad to have scaled them down later.
Other Stats
Total Chapters: 6
Total Pages: 236
Total Filesize: 196,432.66 KB