2016/12/14 - This isn't Philantropy
One of the biggest criticisms I give about Roll is that in the game she is more or less presented as a character that revolves completely around Rock, and isn't given much development of her own standing besides being Rock's partner. On the other hand, this can be sort of handwaved by the fact that the storylines focused on Rock and his destiny (for lack of a better word), and partly being the sort-of norm for video games at the time (except not really, as many SNES/SFC games have proven).

At any rate, given Roll's presumed pragmatism and responsibility for family expenses, I want to take this chance in this comic to give her some focus and driving motive as her own character beyond a cute face (as important as it is!).

Anyway! Homepage updates!
First, a big thanks to MLT, Space Apollo, and Buster Cannon from the MMLS forums for recommending some tweaks to the comic browser, and for helping me to troubleshoot some ongoing bugs with the mobile comic browser issues (mainly on Chrome) over the weekend!

Also in other holiday news, RMDL would be continuing its weekly schedule throughout the rest of December! It's the season!